This article will focus specifically on creating a gift card as a product and thus enabling the purchase of this by the end user.
Step One
Admin > Configuration > Settings > Basket Settings - to enable 'Show gift card box', tick the box on the right, and Save (top of page).
Step Two
Admin > Content Management > Email Message Templates > (scroll down to the miscellaneous section) find Gift Card and select 'Edit'.
To make the gift card notification active, tick the box.
You can edit the friendly name, and the body text as per the below.
Step Three
Admin > Catalogue > Products > Product Management.
Select 'Add New' and create a stock product called “Gift Card” (or whatever you want to call it).
Then go to the Product Variant and on the 'Info' tab scroll down and enable 'Is gift card' then select if this is to be 'Virtual' or 'Physical' for 'Gift cart type'.
You can also set the price of the Gift card in the same way you set a product price (Search for 'Price' in the product variant) (This article will also help if you need it Setting a Product Variant)
Don't forget to save these changes.
Configuring the gift card to Physical will result in a physical gift card being sent out to the recipient whereas a configuration of Virtual will result in the gift card being emailed to the recipient alternatively.
Gift Cards in Use
Though the previous steps have detailed how to create a gift card product, it is also possible to view purchased gift cards in Sales > Gift Cards
When viewed on the front end of the storefront, a customer can complete fields for the intended recipient, as well as add their information. Additionally, a message can be stated, for specific occasions (such as birthdays).
Following the addition of the gift card to the basket and subsequent checkout, the recipient will receive an email stating an individual has sent them a gift card to use (with both the monetary value and code stated).
* Details of both the storefront and individuals have been blurred for security purposes).
When the recipient wishes to purchase products with the gift card, they will go through the usual ordering/checkout process as normal, however upon reaching the basket, they will now see a field for the gift card code.
Entering the code will withdraw that amount from the card and remove that from the overall price.