Customer Roles Explained



Customer Roles in Infigo can be used as a means of categorising customers.

Every single person accessing the site is assigned a Customer Role of some sort. Some are assigned automatically, for example, someone hitting the site for the first time or without logging in will be assigned the Guest Customer Role and once Registered on the site will be assigned the Registered Customer Role and then some Customer Roles can be manually assigned to users for example those wanting access to the admin area of Infigo can be assigned the Storefront Administrator role.

Customer Roles can then be assigned access to various parts of the system. 

For example, you can create a Job Controller role and provide them access to admin but ONLY the Shared Print Operations page so they can manage the jobs and download the artwork.

If you want to create your own customer roles then you can do so here


PLEASE NOTE: If you're searching for a user and they're not listed, they may not be assigned the Registered Role. Untick that from the Customer Roles list, and search again. 

All users must have Registered to access the platform. 


Default Customer Roles

The following roles are what we refer to as System Customer Roles and are created and available as standard. Each has its own specific purpose and is highlighted below:


Customer Role Name  Access Description  Admin Access? Additional guidance... 
Album Admin Administrates Albums and Album content for the storefront X Here is a helpful guide on Managing Shared Image Albums and another on Removing Uploaded Images and Albums
Approver When Approval Workflow is enabled, A user with an approver role can then be assigned products or users' jobs to approve once they have been ordered  X

You may want to check out the Email Message Templates for the Approval Workflow. 

In Admin, go to Content Management > Email Message Templates. 

For more information on how to use Email Message Templates, please see our other articles.

Budget Manager When Budget Manager Workflow is enabled, a user with the budget manager role can update and approve new budget requests for customers      X If you haven't already done so you may want to check out our Budget Requested (and Budget Applied) email message templates, as well as our Budget articles. 
Editors The user would be an editor for the Yearbooks module (Please note this is a Legacy Role and may no longer be used)    
Forum Moderators This is a Legacy Role and is no longer be supported    
Guest  This is the default role that is automatically assigned to a user hitting the site and navigating around without yet registering   Here is how to enable / disable Guest Checkout.
Platform Administrator The most powerful of our administrator roles, this user role has access to ALL storefronts when their account is also created on the platform. They have the ability to view the platform level and also jump between all the storefronts on your platform. Use with care.  
Print Location Downloader This role is designed for a 3rd party printer, to have access to SPO (Shared Print Operations) and their specific products (Print locations for 3rd party supplier/printer) (Please note this is a Legacy Role and may no longer be used)  
Print Operator This role had access to SPO (Shared Print Operations) only in Admin

For more Shared Print Operations settings please see "Infigo Settings" in Admin.

If you would like to change the SPO Status colours please see "Admin Area Settings" in Admin. 

You can also see some helpful links for SPO here

Registered Assigned to Registered Customers.  X

If you'd like to update registration settings, please see "Customer Settings" in Admin. 

You may also want to check out Email Message Templates for Account Management (the first section - active/inactive customer accounts, new customer registration, password recovery, welcome message, etc). 

Storefront Administrator Every storefront can have many Admins that only can administrate that specific storefront. The storefront admin can perform many different tasks on the admin side of the storefront including renaming the storefront.
Students This role works along with the editor role for the Yearbook module and essentially has the same access as a registered customer. (Please note this is a Legacy Role and may no longer be used)    


Please Note

There are a number of Legacy Roles which are no longer in use.

However, these roles are still present so they can be repurposed on storefronts for whatever you wish.





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