Budget Manager Workflow

The budget manager does not work in the same way as approval.  The budget manager essentially only assigns new budgets to a user.

You will need to do ensure that the following settings are enabled:

Assign a budget manager to user(s) (only storefront admins can be selected) And ONLY 1 manager per user under Customers > Customer Management then selecting 'Edit' on a customer and clicking the 'Department and Customer Relationships' tab, then clicking the 'Relationship types' dropdown.


Unhide the PrePay tab in customer settings in admin (you can rename this to Budget using language strings) Configuration > Settings > Customer Settings


Make sure that "Checkout allowed only with sufficient budget" is ticked in customer settings in admin (Configuration > Settings > Customer Settings)

The workflow is thus:

- When a user has insufficient budget to make a purchase during the checkout phase they are redirected to the PrePay tab in "my account" area or if their budget is zero it will display as below under the My account section. 


- The user is prompted to request more budget from their budget manager,

- User requests budget value example £50.00 etc

- The Budget Manager applies the requested amount in admin to the budget requesters user account and clicks save, The Message template (1. Budget.BudgetApplied) is fired back to the user to confirm their budget has been implemented.


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