In this tutorial, you will be able to understand how a simple MegaEdit product can be created in Infigo.
A MegaEdit product consists of 3 important elements:
1. Canvas: This is also known as the art-board. Example: A4 Portrait. To create a Canvas, click "Creating Canvas"
2. Stock: This is also known as the Paper Option. Example: White 150gsm. To create a Stock, click "Creating Stock"
3. Output Type: How the final PDF needs to be output. Example: Hardback, Softback. To create Output Type, visit the this article "Output Type - MegaEdit".
Storefront Administrators are required to create these elements either before creating a MegaEdit product or after. Not enabling these settings will not allow you to access MegaEdit. The following tutorial would assume that you haven't created any of these options and the outcome would be a dynamic A4 Portrait.
Product Creation:
1. First, you need to create a NOP Product to act as a shell for the MegaEdit product; please follow Adding a Product to Catfish article to understand the process.
Once the product is created, Navigate to Catalog > Product Types > MegaEdit > MegaEdit Products.
2. To create a new Dynamic Product, locate "Add New" and click.
3. From the Product Variant drop-down, select the product you wish to use as a dynamic product and click Create a new Dynamic Product.
4. Depending on the type of Dynamic product you are trying to build On Catfish, it's essential to define the following options before saving your dynamic product.
1. Minimum Number of Pages: Number of open pages/canvases displayed on browser
2. Maximum Number of Pages: If the value entered in this area is greater than "Minimum Number of Pages" value, you will allow your customer to add additional pages/canvases to the product
3. Use Booklayout: If the product is not a book or brochure, ensure this option is not ticked.
4. Output as spreads: All as single pages; Cover as spread, inside pages as single; Cover and inside pages as single
Once the basic setup is completed, simply click Save to return back to Manage Dynamic Products and start creating Canvas, Stock and Output Type if needed.