How to Add a New Page? - MegaEdit

After creating a Dynamic Product, you will be able to edit various settings, one of these is the number of pages available within your product. Here we show you how to add more pages to your Dynamic Product within MegaEdit. 


Catfish Steps

1. After creating your dynamic product, navigate to the product's Product Properties tab. 


2. Here you will see the Minimum number of pages and Maximum number of pages. You must have a minimum of one page. Catfish defaults this minimum to two pages. If Booklayout is enabled, you must have a minimum of two pages. 



3. Next, using either the drop-down or by typing, add in the amount of pages you want in the Maximum number of pages option, in this example, we use four.  


4. Press either SAVE.PNG in the top right corner of the screen for these changes to be applied. 


Working in MegaEdit

1. Open the MegaEdit editor as described in section Getting Started with MegaEdit. The Editor homepage is displayed.



2. Navigate to the Page list editor (See Red Arrow in above).

3. Select the page where you want the new page to be placed. The selected page will have a gray background and white pointer in the center of a green circle. The new page is always added to the right-side of the selected page. 


4. Click on the AddNEw.PNG option.


5. You will now see the pages that were added. Remember, in this example we used a maximum of four pages. Pressing on the AddNEw4.PNG icon will remove the page. The changes are auto saved in the editor.






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