

The affiliate functionality creates a unique URL which allows you to keep track orders placed under that link. It is a simple feature which is easy to configure and we'll cover what you need to know in this article. If we miss anything, please submit a support ticket. 

Set up 

  1. It is important to log into the storefront where you wish to setup an affiliate. If you log into the Platform address and switch storefronts, the URL will create incorrectly.
  2. In Admin, go to Promotions > Affiliate and click "Add new" 
  3. Complete all fields and ensure that the active option is ticked
  4. Click "save and continue edit"
  5. You will be provided with an Affiliate URL which you can share with the affiliate, so they can promote your site with a trackable link.
  6. You will see 2 additional tabs "affiliate customers" and "affiliate orders" these tabs with hold information for you of all customers registered and orders placed using the affiliate link.


Q: When I create an affiliate link, will it create a user account in Customer Management? 

A: No, these are two separate areas. 


Q: Can the affiliate log in and view their link usage? 

A: Affiliate link usage can only be viewed by a user with a Storefront Admin Customer Role. A new Customer Role can be created, however anyone with access would see all affiliates. 


Q: How do I distribute commission for an affiliate? 

A: We don't have any automated functionality for affiliate commission. You could use reward points or budgets, however these would be managed manually. 


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