Control Available Payment Methods

Infigo currently supports many different payment types from many different payment providers, and you can control which ones do and do not appear in the checkout process with ease.


Please note that this article will not be covering how to configure these payment methods, rather it will be covering how to control whether or not the user is able to see and select them during the checkout process.

In order to control which ones the user is able to see, you will need to sign in as a storefront administrator (or someone with equal access) and navigate to Configuration > Payment Methods. 


This will take you to a page displaying all of the available payment methods on your storefront.


From here, it is a simple process to enable/disable payment methods in the checkout. In the below example, Purchase Order will be disabled and PayPal will be enabled. 


1. To disable a payment method, press Edit, then un-tick the payment method. 


Then, press Update


2. Navigating back to the frontend, Purchase Order will no longer be able to be selected at checkout. 


To edit the Purchase Order number field and it's content, please see our Checkout Attributes article. 



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