Infigo Academy: setting up payments and tax (including provider rules, and tax by country / state / zip)
Please note: if you'd like to use these Tax Categories across multiple storefronts then you can set them at platform level.
Go to Configuration > Tax > Tax Categories. Out of the box the platform will have Standard and Reduced rates:
But we want to setup specific countries and specific rates, so I have added:
- Spanish IVA
- German Mehrwertsteuer
Please note, if you chose to setup Tax Categories at Platform level, you now need to log out, and log into the storefront you wish to update.
Go to Configuration > Tax > Tax Providers and change the Primary Provider to
"Tax By Country & State & Zip":
Then go to Configure, and using the "Adding a new tax rate" option, you need to add each country with the tax percentage. For the purpose of this article I have setup some examples:
Next you'll need to go to Configuration > Tax > Tax Settings > and click on the Provider Rules tab. If its not already enabled, then please tick
Now go to Product Management, and enable the new Tax Categories on the Product Variants.
Once this is done please clear cache and test.
I have tested this by impersonating a user > adding a product to the basket & continuing to the checkout > choosing billing addresses in Germany first:
and then Spain:
You'll note that the Tax Categories I setup are referenced at the checkout (IVA & Mehrwertsteuer), as well as the rates. If you wish to hide this information then you would need to do so using custom CSS.