Please ensure you If you have tried the steps in the simple installation article using Anastasiy here but the installation has not successfully completed then we have steps for you to manually install Invent for both MacOS and Windows below.
Prior to attempting to manually install Invent, please ensure you have upgraded your InDesign version to 16.4+
Installing Invent manually on a Windows machine
Follow these simple steps below to install Invent on your machine if your operating system is Windows.
- Rename the Invent plugin file extension from .zxp file to .zip
- Then unzip the zip file into its own folder
- Drag that unzipped folder into the following directory - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
- In your Windows search panel type 'regedit' to locate your Registry Editor.
- Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/CSXS.11
- Create a registry entry by Right clicking on the CSXS.11 folder and then hover over New and then select 'String Value'.
- When the new entry is created update the name to 'PlayerDebugMode' then double click it to set the the String value of 1
You have now manually installed the Invent plugin
Installing Invent manually on a MacOS machine
Follow these simple steps below to install Invent on your Mac.
NOTE: These steps may vary slightly from different OS versions
- Rename the Invent plugin file extension from .zxp file to .zip
- Then unzip the zip file into its own folder
- Some people report that they must use Stuffit Expander to unzip it as the OS X utility does not work for them.
- In Finder Menu choose go->go to folder and enter the following folder name ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions folder
- Move the unziped folder from the previous step into this folder
- Open a terminal window and execute the following command:
defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.11 PlayerDebugMode 1
You have now manually installed the Invent plugin
If either of these manual installation approaches still do not work for you then please raise a ticket with our Support Team