Creating and Using Invent Forms

Infigo Academy: Building a form in Invent for use in MegaEdit



This article will walk you through the simple steps of how you can easily use your Invent Variables to create form driven personalisation.


In previous articles we walked you through creating Invent Variables and so now you have these we can start building up your form.

In your form you can order add and remove your variables, re-order them, group them and choose where you would like them to be displayed to the user.


Creating a simple Form

To start, simple click 'Setup Form' found under the Variables tab. Here you will be shown the form designer.


By default the form designer will create you a single form and all your available Variables will be added to it. This means the form will appear on all pages, and so will all the variables.



We have several options for how you want the form to be displayed:

  • Single Form - This is the default value and means all variables assigned will always be shown on all pages
  • Single Form as a Popup - An additional option that allows you to, instead of taking up space for the form in MegaEdit instead show a button that when clicked will display the form in a popup.
  • Per Page Form - This allows you to have a different form for each page of your product. Here you can control which variables should be displayed on which page form allowing, in some situations, better contextual editing for the end user.
  • Per Page Form as a Popup - Similar to above but the button will display the relevent form depending on which page you are on in MegaEdit.

In order to change the type of form you want to use simply click on the 'Switch' button in the top right hand corner on the Form Designer popup.


So you now have your simple form all ready to use that contains all the variables you have previously created. Easy. And at this point you can follow our instructions on Exporting and Importing your Invent package to see if working in MegaEdit.


Variable Groups

However, there is more. We also support the ability to group your Variables to make your form more structured and visibly appealing to the end user.

To create a group simple click the 'Use' button next to the group in the bottom left hand corner


It will then prompt you to name it and select its default location.

Once added you will notice the group containers added to your Form, ready for you to start adding variables to them


Then simple use the drag button to click and drag each of your variables into the relevant group.


This then translates into labelled form sections in MegaEdit


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