Insights Reports is a core feature of our Insights module and probably its most powerful.
Found within admin under Insights > Reports, we offer out-of-the box five default reports, all of which allow you to configure a start and end date for the data to be captured, and then a format that you would like the report delivered in.
Default Reports
Customer Login Report
This report contains a list of all customers on that storefront and their login activity, including their last login date and time and also the number of times they have logged in within the reporting period.
Customer Report
This report contains a list of customers created on (between the dates selected) and registered on the storefront including all their account address details, last logged in date and if their accounts are active. (Please note, to see all customers on the storefront, unselect a start date.)
Sales - Order Summary
This report contains a list of all orders placed within the reporting period. It contains a vast amount of information at an order level including who placed the order, the shipping and billing addresses, shipping method selected, payment method used, order totals and much, much more.
Sales - Order Line Detail Report
This report is similar to the Order Summary report but includes details of the order line items instead of the order, including product information, quantity, discounts, weight and much, much more.
Department Report
This report contains details of all the departments created on the storefront, including department name, cost centre, who is assigned to that department and if you are limiting payment and shipping methods by department then which ones.
With all of these reports you can select a start and end date to determine the date range of the information that is returned and we also allow you to choose between a CSV, JSON, or Excel spreadsheet file format depending on your needs.
Custom Reports
These default reports are all very nice and provide you with the ability to obtain lots of data from your Infigo storefront, however the real power from Insights comes from being able to create your own Custom Reports.
NOTE: All dates used in any reports, dashboards or subscriptions are in UTC