Infigo Academy: Buy Shipping Instantly setting in Easypost
The integration with Easypost gives you the ability to generate shipping labels for parcels from within Infigo.
When are the shipping labels generated?
The shipping labels are generated at the point when you request Easypost to create a shipment. When this happens is determined by how you configure your Easypost plugin. When the shipment is created Easypost will return to us the number of shipping labels required to fulfil that shipment.
How many shipping labels will I get?
The number of shipping labels that are generated for any one shipment is dependent on number of parcels that are required to fulfil that shipment; and the number of parcels required to fulfil that shipment are determined by a number of settings within the plugin that you need to configure.
Parcels can be generated in one of two ways:
1) Calculated by Infigo using the dimensions and weight you apply to the products. A cubic root formula is used to estimate the parcel sizes taking into consideration the maximum weight and length settings you've configured. Infigo also look at whether you've want to create parcels at order level, order line level or order line quantity level.
2) By you with a series of predefined parcel sizes, or manually entering in the parcel dimensions and weight at the point of shipping.
A shipping label will then be generated and returned, one for every parcel.
How do I get the shipping labels?
There are a number of options for how you can obtain the shipping labels once they are returned by Easypost.
1) You can manually download them from Shared Print Operations once the shipment has been created. To do this simply click on 'view shipping information' link within the jobs Shipping Information section.
2) You can configure them to automatically copy to a hot folder of your choosing. This works well with Infigo Sync.
3) Alternatively you can embed them into the packaging slip or job ticket
For all the options on how to configure your Easypost plugin to do the above, have a read of our Easypost configuration article.