How to Add Images to a Dynamic Product? - MegaEdit

The MegaEdit editor allows you to add images either as a variable field, or directly from your album in the Image Gallery or Clip art selection


To add image variable fields to a product:

1. Open the MegaEdit editor as described in section Getting Started with MegaEdit.
    The Editor homepage is displayed.


2. Select the page for which you want to add the images. The Page list option displays the pages, this is found in the bottom left corner of the editor. 



3. Click on the Add Image option found in top left editor pane. You can also drag it to the canvas. 


5. The Image Variable field will appear on your canvas.



4. Double-click on the added image field and you can find image customization options.


5. Changes are auto saved in the editor.

The following table describes the various options for customizing images:

Option Description
mceclip6.png Image Options

Helps you with additional image options such as:

  • Scaling
  • Transform
            - Rotate Left/Right
            - Flip Vertical/Horizontal
  • Arrange
            - Move Forward/Back
            - Send to Front/Back
  • Manage

            - Reset
            - Remove
            - Delete


mceclip7.png Effects

Helps you with options for adding image effects such as:

  • Effects
            - No Effect
            - Black and White
            - Sepia
            - Emboss
            - Invert
  • Opacity
  • Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Pixelate, Tint
  • Sharpness, Blur
mceclip8.png Border and Background

Helps you with options for adding border and change background color.

  • Border Options
           - None
           - Solid
           - Outline
           - Distance

For each of the border options, you can set the Width, Radius, and Stroke.

  • Apply Background color
            - Opacity
mceclip9.png Shadow

Helps you with options to add shadow effects for the images.

  • Shadows On/Off
            - Offset X
            - Offset Y
            - Blur
            - Transparency
  • Color picker
mceclip10.png Details

This section has more advanced options for your Image Field, sections include:

  1. Field and Image Position Settings
  2. Movement Restriction
  3. General
  4. Image Format Options
  5. Help Settings



Adding Images to the Image Variable Field

1. After you created your image variable field, you can drag and drop an image from your Image Gallery tab into the field. Make sure you have images available, if not, visit our support article 'How to add image files to MegaEdit?'.  


2. When you have images available, select one and drag it to your variable field.





3. You can also drag an image from your Image Gallery or Clip art selection without having a variable field. 






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